What Sets Golf Cart Law Apart?

We approach every case with a desire to protect our client’s best interests and to achieve maximum compensation results. The very moment our clients retain us, we immediately begin to lay the groundwork of our tactical and strategic approach.

We continuously review and rework our planning while keeping our clients in the loop every step of the way. This disciplined approach has proven, time and again, that our clients are compensated appropriately for the true level of their injuries.

Our honesty and transparency is second to none 

We are honest and transparent with our clients at all times, from the initial interview through the successful closure of the case. We will relay news honestly and forthrightly, even bad news or news that may seem unfair or unjust. We believe in team work with our clients—and you cannot be an effective team if you don't have an honest, truthful relationship.         

when you call us, you join our team

We consider our clients absolutely integral to their own representation. Whether our clients are providing information, focusing on their recovery, or helping make important, Golf Cart Law pledges to keep you updated and informed on the handling of your case. 

Our experience and careful attention to detail ensures a better legal experience for our clients than other firms can provide

Our firm specializes in significant, catastrophic injuries and wrongful death caused by or sustained in a golf cart/car accident. Our focused practice ensures that our clients are provided with personalized legal representation and the assistance of experts.

At Golf Cart Law, we firmly believe that everybody should have access to excellent lawyers with superb legal skills. That’s why we give our clients access to the firm’s owner’s personal email and cell phone, as well as access to any other attorneys working the case. We promptly return phone calls and emails and continuously update our clients on the status of their claim. 

Our experience handling golf cart/car accident cases ensures that we don’t settle a case for less than it’s worth. Our experienced accident injury lawyers recognize that a golf cart/car accident can cause significant injury, regardless of the fault of the driver. Golf cart/car cases are far more complex and often bring higher settlements than average motor vehicle cases due to the damage they cause. That’s why we handle them differently. Contact us today for your free case evaluation!